Why choose a Physiotherapist to perform Acupuncture?
Chartered Physiotherapists are in a unique position to offer Acupuncture as part of a holistic treatment programme. Their Western training provides excellent knowledge of anatomy and neurophysiology, making them ideally placed to administer the needles and to understand their effects. They are able to combine the best of Eastern and Western treatment approaches, combining Acupuncture with other treatment methods such as exercise therapy, joint mobilisation & manipulation, ultrasound therapy and soft tissue release.
Our qualifications
Physio7 physios who use acupuncture are all members of the AACP, the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists.
How does it work?
Traditional Chinese Medicine considers ‘Qi’ (pronounced chi) to be a vital force or energy responsible for controlling the workings of the mind and body. Qi flows through the body via channels called meridians which are believed to connect the organs such as the heart and liver to other points throughout the body. Imbalances in the flow of Qi is thought to cause injury and illness.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of tiny needles into the skin, which is thought to normalise the flow of Qi and thus help to restore normal balance within the body. Stimulation of the needles is believed to drain excess energy and free stagnation, or increase the flow of Qi to a deficient area or organ.
Research shows that acupuncture stimulates the brain and spinal cord to produce NATURAL chemicals that assist the body’s healing process and relieve pain. These chemicals include endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, melatonin which promotes sleep and serotonin which promotes feelings of well being.
In Conventional Acupuncture, your Physiotherapist will typically choose Acupuncture points around the area of pain, plus others away from the pain that assist in the movement of energy. A number of needles may be used at each treatment and these are left in position for approximately 10-30 minutes before being removed. The needles may be gently manipulated during treatment to encourage the movement of energy.
Trigger point Acupuncture may be used to relax and relieve specific muscles following trauma such as whiplash injuries, after sports injuries or to release tight trigger points. Here the needle is placed into the affected muscle and stimulated until the muscle relaxes. Trigger point needling is usually quicker than conventional acupuncture and may last only a few seconds or minutes.
Does it hurt?
In most instances patients do not feel the needle enter the skin. However, you may experience a prick of pain which should be replaced by an ‘energy sensation’ after a few seconds. These energy sensations include throbbing, tingling, heaviness and dullness. Your physiotherapist will remove any needles that remain painful for more than a few seconds. The acupuncture needles used at Physio7 are extremely fine; nothing at all like those used for injections.